A Lexicon of
Neologisms. Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)
crazy cracy,
or crazy-cracy n (crazy + cracy, Gr kratos, power, as in democracy) – a scornful name for any type of power
or political regime.
does not matter for which higher goal you kill people. Democracy, autocracy,
aristocracy… All these crazy cracies are not worth a single human life.
has decided to launch a new political movement, maybe even a party. He believes
that one more crazy-cracy
will make a difference among all those we already have on the Earth.
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deadvertise v (dead + advertise) – to advertise and promote political
causes by death.
Terrorism is nothing but the art of deadvertising.
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dreadvertise v (dread + advertise)
– to
advertise by dread, to engage in military propaganda.
There are skilled dreadvertisers in our government.
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the dooming 2000s - a nickname for our decade.
booming 1990s, the dooming 2000s.
culture likes to divide itself into decades: the prosperous fifties, the
rebellious sixties, the egoistic seventies, the greedy eighties, the booming
ninetees. Finally, the dooming
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econopoeia n (economy,
from Gr oikos, house, and nomos, management + Gr poiein, to make or compose; cf. poetry, mythopoeia
onomatopoeia) – creative
economy, the romantic, poetic side of market, commerce and business.
a manager, he has a style of his
own that he calls "econopoeia."
He believes that advertising is the most
creative business in the world, and he regrets he cannot hire
Shakespeare to write slogans for his company.
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oopsies, or OOpsies (from the interjection oops, whoops, usually uttered
after stumbling, making an error, etc.) – a nickname for the 2000s.
Two ending zeroes are inscribed in this
interjection of surprise and dismay - oops. The 2000s is the decade of big
failures, grave mistakes and their euphemistic recognition. We failed to detect
the terrorist plot early enough to avert it – oops. We didn't
succeed in capturing our main enemies – oops. We haven't found any weapons of mass destruction in
Iraq and thus the war has no justification –
oops. We promised democracy to Iraqies but failed to gain their support
- oops. Thus, 2000-psies, or OOpsies, or oopsies.
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oozies, or OOzies (from oozy, full of or like ooze, slimy) - a nickname for the 2000s.
the 1990s came to a close, the experts made their predictions. We would call
the 2000s the aughts or the
naughts or the zeros or the ohs or maybe even the ohs-ohs…. It turns out we have found no clear definition. The substance
of our time is slimy, slippery, sticky, as soft mud. But this failure of
definition creates a definition of its own. We live in the OOzy decade. The
200Os are OOzies.
PreDictionary. A Lexicon of Neologisms