A Lexicon of Neologisms. Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)
Relationships. Communication
n (Gr amphi- or Lat ambi-,
both, on both sides + Gr pathos, feeling) - a mixture of sympathy and antipathy, of attraction and repulsion;
a condition of being torn apart by conflicting feelings and aspirations.
"... At once I hate and love as well," - this line
by Catullus, Roman poet of the first century BC, is one of the first literary
expressions of ambipathy.
Dmitry Karamazov in Dostoevsky says that
"a man is too broad" and is equally attracted by the two abysses--the
upper and the lower ones, the ideal of Madonna and the ideal of Sodom. In this sense, Dmitry and perhaps Dostoevsky
clearly express the common trait of ambipathy.
* * *
defriend smbd v trans
(de +
friend; cf. befriend) -
to break off friendly relations (with smbd).
defriended me a year after
we met, with no reason or explanation. He just stopped calling, period.
want to defriend you.
– What's wrong? - I need something more than friendship from you. I need
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enjoice into v (prefix en + joy; cf. rejoice) - using false joy to talk someone into sharing an undesirable task; to entrap somebody by the appearance of joy, to deceive or trick into difficulty.
The prefix en-, like in engage, entrap, embrace, engulf, encircle, envelop, enclose, means “to surround or place inside of.”
He looked extremely happy with his winning ticket, and he enjoiced me into entering these sweepstakes, which I would never have done otherwise.
The government tries to enjoice us into global expansion by claiming dubious
victories, clearly in violation of international law.
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hi-byer n (hi + bye + suffix -er) - a marginal
acquaintance with whom "hi" and "bye" are the
prevailing terms of verbal
exchange; the vocabulary of a minimal relationship.
Do you know this woman? - Not really, we are
I was surprised to see this hi-byer stopping for a more substantial conversation.
They were married for ten years, but now they
are only hi-byers.
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v (from the interjection mhm –
an indeterminate sound by which a listener confirms hearing, without agreeing or
disagreeing with what is said) - to utter the sound "mhm," to confirm
listening and understanding without any more definitive response to the
contents of the speech.
mehemizing is the heart of
diplomatic conversation.
mehemic adj - related to the interjection mhm that confirms listening and understanding.
What was his reaction to your proposal? – Mehemic. Neither yes nor no.
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mute – verbally
incompatible persons.
I respect Dr.
Stone but we are mutually mute. When we happen to meet, we feel forced to
squeeze out empty words about weather and sports in which
neither of us has the slightest interest.
muteness – a psychological condition of verbal
incompatibility between two or several persons.
are people who feel pressed to say something though they have nothing to say to
each other. Mutual muteness.
The awkwardness of silence.
PreDictionary. A Lexicon of Neologisms