A Lexicon of
Neologisms. Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)
n (Gr
astro-, star + Gr algos – pain, grief, distress; cf. nostalgia) - a longing for stars and interstellar
travels to the remote corners of the universe; homesickness for the cosmos.
film "Gattaca" is about astralgia. The protagonist Vincent, though deemed genetically flawed and
subsequently fated to a low-level occupation, pursues to the end his dream of space travel.
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conaster n
(from Lat cum, with + Gr astron, star) - literally with star, the exact antonym to disaster; the fortunate outcome of an almost imminent disaster; the sensation
of a catastrophe narrowly averted and later remembered from the vantage point
of safety.
were several conasters in my
life that I cannot recall without thanking God for his undeserved mercy.
were born under a lucky star. This conaster is an amazing mixture of chance and miracle.
conastrous adj - of the nature of a conaster, causing great relief.
I had a conastrous experience after being caught in a storm while
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happicle n (happy + diminutive suffix –icle, like in
"particle," "icicle") – a particle of happiness, the smallest unit of happiness; a single happy occurrence or a momentary feeling of happiness.
Happicles make life worth of living, even in the absence of one big happiness.
There is no happiness in this world, but there are happicles. Sometimes we can catch them, fleeting and unpredictable as they are.
photons, happicles have zero mass at rest— they lack
the stable inertial mass that we identify with happiness. Happicles flash and go out in passing. They may be as transitory as a
fragrance in the air, or a falling
leaf, or the glance of a passerby
on the street.
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multividual n
(Lat multus, many + Lat individuus, indivisible) – a
multiple individual that embraces many
selves and, in a technological perspective, can possess multiple bodies.
As early as the 1970s, psychologists indicated
the emergence of a proteic type of personality who combines the properties of
different individuals. This is not a schizophrenically split personality, but
one rich in roles and selves, a multividual who cannot be confined to a single self.
multiplicity of selves often reveals itself in acts of inspiration and artistic creativity. Eventually
these multiple selves will acquire not only symbolic and imaginative
embodiments, similar to theatrical characters, but also independent bodies. As
a bio-species is exemplified by a multiplicity of individuals, a multividual will become a psycho-species exemplified by
various organisms. Such multividuals will reach across
continents assuming various material guises and performing various social and
professional roles, and simultaneously they will be aware of their unique
destiny and moral responsibility.
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awake – mostly asleep, dozing; the opposite of
"wide awake."
haven't slept all night, so don't expect me to say anything reasonable. I am narrowly awake today.
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adj (from
Gr oneiros, "dream" + genic; cf. photogenic, telegenic) – having a propensity to appear
in somebody's dreams.
people are photogenic, others, oneirogenic; these abilities rarely coincide. A person who is plain and hardly
noticeable in real life may haunt our dreams and imagination.
you noticed that cats are more oneirogenic than dogs?
surprise your friends at a party, ask them: "Do you find me "oneirogenic"?
If the answer is "yes," ask them to recall your adventures in
their dreams.
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n (Gr polys, much, many +
patheia, suffering) - a person with multiple disorders, such as neuropathy,
myopathy, sociopathy, chronopathy,
Latin proverb "mens sana in corpore sana" is not universally true. Look at Stephen Hawkings. One person can be both a polymath and a
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transvert n (Lat trans, across, over + vertere, to turn; cf. introvert, extrovert) -
a psychological type that
alternates between introversion and extroversion and combines features
of both types.
don't know who I am, an extravert or an introvert? I am rather a transvert. But if so, then the entire classification
life moves from one extreme to another, from complete self-absorption to wild
partying at random places with random people. He is a typical transvert.
PreDictionary. A Lexicon of Neologisms