A Lexicon of Neologisms. Mikhail Epstein (Emory University)
chairy adj (chair + suffix -y)
– someone who likes to chair meetings, to preside, to be a master of
is every bit as chairy as
Andrew, which spells trouble at a small institution like ours.
is a wonderful person, but maybe just a touch too chairy to
make a pleasant housemate.
* * *
domestican n (Lat domesticus, belonging to the household, from domus, house) - someone who preaches the values of
domestic life, worships the deities of hearth and home.
is a sort of a monk, though his monastery is his own house. In a word, he is a domestican.
typical domestican hates
public spaces, preferring kitchen and living room to all attractions of the world.
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fatenik n (fate + suffix nik) – someone who flirts with the idea of
fate; one who constantly
watches for omens, considers
astrological signs, etc.
A fatalist believes that that all events are
determined by fate and are hence inevitable. A fatenik is a playful and superficial fatalist who
enjoys signs of the transcendental without giving them much importance in
his/her life.
not pay attention to Lisa's premonitions. She is a fatenik and easily picks up stupid rumors.
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ifnik n (if + suffix nik) –
someone whose life, habits and thinking are constructed conditionally.
ask him what he's going to do. A typical ifnik, he will give you a dozen of "ifs."
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meetnik n (meet +
suffix nik) – a person
who enjoys meetings and all sorts of administrative events willingly attends them in abundance.
socially active is one thing, meeting for the sake of meeting is another. I try to stay away from meetniks for whom getting together is an end in
PreDictionary. A Lexicon of Neologisms