The development of the World Wide Web was begun in 1989 (падение Берлинской стены, революции в Восточной Европе, конец советского блока и мировой социалистической системы) by Tim Berners-Lee and his colleagues at CERN, an international scientific organization based in Geneva, Switz. They created a protocol HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which standardized communication between servers and clients.
Their text-based Web browser was made available for general release in January 1992 (распад СССР, образование пост-тоталитарного пространства - "союза" независимых государств).
The World Wide Web gained rapid acceptance with the creation of a Web browser called Mosaic, which was developed in the United States by Marc Andreessen and others at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois and was released in September 1993 (роспуск парламента, гражданская война на улицах Москвы). Mosaic allowed people using the Web to use the same sort of "point-and-click" graphical manipulations that had been available in personal computers for some years.
In April 1994 Andreessen cofounded Netscape Communications Corporation, whose Netscape Navigator became the dominant Web browser soon after its release in December 1994 (начало чеченской войны и перспектива внутреннего распада России).
By the mid-1990s the World Wide Web had millions of active users (и я в том числе - именно 1 июля 1995 г. открылась система моих электронных страниц Интелнет).