Mikhail N. Epstein -  BOOKS AND MONOGRAPHS

In library catalogs, publications are listed under the names: Mikhail Epstein, Mikhail Epshtein, Michail Epstein.

24 books published in English and Russian, and 10 books translated into German, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian and Korean. Articles and essays have been translated and published in 14 languages: German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Swedish, Danish, Finnish, Serbo-Croatian, Hungarian, Romanian, Bulgarian, and Ukrainian. Full list of publications includes more than 500 items.

The titles below are linked to summaries and annotations.

In English:
 1. Cries in the New Wilderness: From the Files of the Moscow Institute of Atheism. Trans. and intr. by Eve Adler. Philadelphia: Paul Dry Books, 2002, 236 pp. (hardcover and paperback)


 2. Transcultural Experiments: Russian and American Models of Creative Communication (with Ellen Berry). New York: St. Martin's Press (Scholarly and Reference Division), 1999, 340 pp.

3.Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture (with Alexander Genis and Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover). New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1999, 528 pp.
On-line order:  Russian Postmodernism

 4. After the Future: The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture, transl. and with Introduction by Anesa Miller-Pogacar, Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1995, 394 pp. On-line order:  After the Future

The review by Karen Rice McDowell (Univ. of Virginia)
AATSEEL Book Review on the Internet

5. Relativistic Patterns in Totalitarian Thinking: An Inquiry into the Language of Soviet Ideology. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Occasional Paper, # 243. Washington: The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1991, 94 pp.

In English and Russian:

6. Amerussia: Selected essays. / Amerossiia. Izbrannaia esseistika. (parallel texts in English and Russian).  Moscow: Serebrianye niti,  2007, 504 pp.

7. The Constructive Potential of the Humanities. / Konstruktivnyi potential gumanitarnykh nauk. Moscow, Russian State University of the Humanities, 2006,  74 pp.

In Russian:
8. Novoe v klassike. Derzhavin, Pushkin, Blok v sovremennom vospriiatii (The Classics Renovated: Derzhavin, Pushkin, and Blok in Contemporary Perception). Moscow: Znanie, l982, 40 pp.

9. Paradoksy novizny. O literaturnom razvitii XIX-XX vekov (The Paradoxes of Innovation: On the Development of Literature in the l9th and 20th Centuries). Moscow: Sovetskii Pisatel', l988, 4l6 pp.

10. 'Priroda, mir, tainik vselennoi. . .' Sistema peizazhnykh obrazov v russkoi poezii ('Nature, the World, the Mystery of the Universe...': The System of Landscape Images in Russian Poetry). Moscow: Vysshaia Shkola, l990, 304 pp.

    2nd,  revised edition: Stikhi and Stikhii. Priroda v russkoi poezii 18 ­ 20 cc. (Verses and Elements: Nature in Russian Poetry of the 18-20 cc.). Samara: Bakhrakh-M, 2007, 352 pp.

11. Ottsovstvo. Esse (Fatherhood. An Essay). Tenafly (New Jersey): Hermitage Publishers, 1992, 160 pp. On-line order: Ottsovstvo

    2nd, revised edition. Ottsovstvo. Metafizicheskii dnevnik (Fatherhood: A Metaphysical Journal). S.-Petersburg: Aleteia, 2002.

12. Novoe sektantstvo: tipy religiozno-filosofskikh umonastroenii v Rossii (New Sectarianism: The Varieties of Religious-Philosophical Consciousness in Russia). Holyoke (Massachusetts): New England Publishing Co., 1993, 179 pp.; 2nd edition, reprint, Moscow: Labirint, 1994, 181 pp.

13. Velikaia Sov'. Filosofsko-mifologicheskii ocherk (Great Soviet Land. A Philosophical-Mythological Essay). New York: Word/Slovo, 1994, 175 pp.

14. Vera i obraz. Religioznoe bessoznatel'noe v russkoi kul'ture XX veka (Faith and Image: The Religious Unconscious in Twentieth Century Russian Culture), Tenafly (New Jersey): Hermitage Publishers, 1994, 269 pp.
On-line order: Vera i obraz

15. Na granitsakh kul'tur. Rossiiskoe - amerikanskoe - sovetskoe (On the Borders of Cultures: Russian - American - Soviet). New York: Slovo/Word Publishers, 1995, 344 pp.

16. Bog detalei. Narodnaia dusha i chastnaia zhizn' v Rossii na iskhode imperii (The God of Details: People's Soul and Private Life at the Twilight of the Russian Empire). New York: Slovo/Word Publishers, 1997, 248 pp.    2nd Edition, revised and expanded, Moscow, LIA R. Elinina, 1998, 240 pp.

17. Postmodern v Rossii: literatura i teoriia (The Postmodern in Russia: Literature and Theory). Moscow: LIA Elinina, 2000, 370 pp.

2nd edition, revised and expanded: Postmodern v russkoi literature (The Postmodern in Russian Literature). Moscow: Vysshaia shkola, 2005, 495 pp.

18. Filosofiia vozmozhnogo. Modal'nosti v myshlenii i kul'ture (The Philosophy of the Possible: The Modalities in Thought and Culture) S.-Petersburg: Aleteia,  2001, 350 pp.
    English summary

19. Proektivnyi filosofskii slovar'. Novye terminy i poniatiia (A Projective Philosophical Dictionary. New Terms and Concepts).  St.-Petersburg: Aleteia, 2003, 512 pp. (coeditor with G. L. Tulchinsky, author of the Preface and of 90 entries out of overall 165).

20. Znak probela: O budushchem gumanitarnykh nauk (Mapping Blank Spaces: On the Future of the Humanities). Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2004, 864 pp.

21-22. Vse esse, v 2 tt., t. 1. V Rossii, 1970-e ­ 1980-e;  t. 2. Iz Ameriki, 1990-e-2000-e (All Essays, or All is Essay), in 2 volumes:
vol. 1. In Russia, 1970s-1980s;
vol. 2. From America, 1990s-2000s.
Ekaterinburg: U-Faktoriia, 2005, 544 pp. + 704 pp.

23. Filosofiia tela  (Philosophy of the Body)  St.-Petersburg: Aleteia, 2006,  194 pp.

24. Slovo i molchanie. Metafizika russkoi literatury (Word and Silence: The Metaphysics of Russian Literature). Moscow: Vysshaia shkola, 2006, 550 pp.

In German:
25.Tagebuch f?r Olga. Chronik einer Vaterschaft (translation of Ottsovstvo [Fatherhood]). Aus dem Russischen von Otto Markus. Munich: Roitman Verlag, 1990, 256 pp.

In Serbo-Croatian:
26. Esej (Essay). [Theory of Essay as a Genre]. S ruskog prevela Radmila Mechanin. Narodna knjiga - Alfa, Biblioteka Pojmovnik, Knjiga br. 24, Beograd, 1997, 172 pp.

27. Vera i lik. (translation of Vera i obraz. (Faith and Image)). S ruskog prevela Radmila Mechanin. Novi Sad: Matitse srpske, 1998, 358 pp.

28. Postmodernizam [Postmodernizm]. Prevela s ruskog Radmila Mechanin. Beograd: Zepter Book World, 1998, 160 pp.

29. Ruska kultura na raskrscu. Sekularizacija i prelaz sa dualnog na trojicni model. (Russian Culture at the Crossroads: Secularization and Transition from the Binary Model to the Trinitary One), transl. into Serbian-Croatian by Radmila Mecanin. Beograd, Narodna knjiga/Alfa, Beograd, 1999, 100 pp.

30. Novo Sektashtvo Tipovi religiozno-filozofskikx pogleda na svet u Rusiju (70-ikh i 80-ikh godina xx veka). (New Sectarianism), transl. from Russian by Draginia Ramadanski. Novi Sad: Aurora, 2001, 220 pp.

31. Ochinstvo (Fatherhood), transl. from Russian by Draginia Ramadanski. Novi Sad: Aurora, 2001, 224 pp.

32.  Blud rada (Labor of Lust), transl. into Serbian-Croatian by Radmila Mecanin.  Novi Sad: Stylos, 2001, 248 pp.

In Hungarian:
33. A posztmodern és Oroszorszag (Postmodernism in Russia). Budapest: Europa Konyvkiado, 2001, 340 pp.

In Korean:
34. Postmodernism in Russia. Trans. from Russian and English by Cho Jun-Rae et al.   Seoul, forthcoming in 2008.

Book covers/images

About the author

M. Epstein's Virtual Library in English

M. Epstein's Virtual Library in Russian

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