(in library catalogs the majority of publications are listed under the name Mikhail Epshtein)


In English:

1. Russian Postmodernism: New Perspectives on Post-Soviet Culture (with Alexander Genis and Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover, in the series Studies in Slavic Literature, Culture, and Society, vol. 3). New York, Oxford: Berghahn Books, 1999, 528 pp. (of 24 chapters in this book 16 are written by this author). Hardcover and paperback editions.

2. After the Future: The Paradoxes of Postmodernism and Contemporary Russian Culture (a volume in the series Critical Perspectives on Modern Culture, with an introduction by Anesa Miller-Pogacar), Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1995, 392 pp. Hardcover and paperback editions.

3. Relativistic Patterns in Totalitarian Thinking: An Inquiry into the Language of Soviet Ideology. Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Occasional Paper, #243. Washington: The Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1991, 94 pp.

In Russian:

4. Bog detalei. Narodnaia dusha i chastnaia zhizn' v Rossii na iskhode imperii (The God of Details: Public Soul and Private Life at the Twilight of the Russian Empire). New York: Slovo/Word, 1997, 248 pp.

2nd, revised and expanded edition. Moscow: LIA Elinina, 1998, 240 pp.

5. Na granitsakh kul'tur. Rossiiskoe - amerikanskoe - sovetskoe (On the Borders of Cultures: Russian - American - Soviet). New York, Slovo/Word, 1995, 343 pp.

6. Vera i obraz. Religioznoe bessoznatel'noe v russkoi kul'ture XX veka (Faith and Image: The Religious Unconscious in Twentieth Century Russian Culture), Tenafly (New Jersey): Hermitage Publishers, 1994, 270 pp.

7. Novoe sektantstvo: tipy religiozno-filosofskikh umonastroenii v Rossii, 1970-80-e gody (New Sectarianism: The Varieties of Religious-Philosophical Consciousness in Russia, the 1970s-1980s). Holyoke (Massachusetts): New England Publishing Co., 1993, 179 pp.

2nd edition, reprint, Moscow: Labirint, 1994, 181 pp.

8. Velikaia Sov'. Filosofsko-mifologicheskii ocherk (Great Sov'. A Philosophical-Mythological Essay). New York: Word/Slovo, 1994, 175 pp.

9. Ottsovstvo (Fatherhood. An Essay), Tenafly (New Jersey): Hermitage Publishers, 1992, 160 pp.

10. 'Priroda, mir, tainik vselennoi. . .' Sistema peizazhnykh obrazov v russkoi poezii ('Nature, the World, the Mystery of the Universe...': The System of Landscape Images in Russian Poetry). Moscow: Vysshaia Shkola [the central university press of Russia], l990, 304 pp.

11. Paradoksy novizny. O literaturnom razvitii XIX-XX vekov (The Paradoxes of Innovation: On the Development of Literature in the l9th and 20th Centuries). Moscow: Sovetskii Pisatel' [the central Russian press publishing new works in literary scholarship], l988, 4l6 pp.

12. Novoe v klassike. Derzhavin, Pushkin, Blok v sovremennom vospriiatii (The Classics Renovated: Derzhavin, Pushkin, and Blok in Contemporary Perception). Moscow: Znanie, l982, 40 pp.

In German:

13. Tagebuch für Olga. Chronik einer Vaterschaft. Aus dem Russischen von Otto Markus [translation of #8] Munich: Roitman Verlag, 1990, 256 pp.

In Serbian-Croatian:

14. Esej (Essay). [Theory of Essay as a Genre]. S ruskog prevela (trans. from Russian) Radmila Mechanin.Beograd: Narodna knjiga-Alfa, Biblioteka Pojmovnik, 1997, 172 pp.

15. Vera i lik. Religiozno nesvesno u ruskoi kulturi XX veka. (Faith and Image: The Religious Unconscious in Twentieth Century Russian Culture) S ruskog prevela Radmila Mechanin. Novi Sad: Matitsa srpska, 1998, 356 pp. [translation of #5)

16. Postmodernizam (Postmodernism). S ruskog prevela Radmila Mechanin. Beograd: Zepter Book World, 1998, 157 pp.




1.Transcultural Experiments: Russian and American Models of Creative Communication (coauthored with Ellen Berry; of 22 chapters in this book, 16 are written by this author; the book is devoted to the theory and practice of transcultural thinking as elaborated by M Epstein). New York: St. Martin's Press (Scholarly and Reference Division), Fall 1999 (contract signed).

2. Filosofiia vozmozhnogo. O modal'nostiakh gumanitarnogo myshleniia (The Philosophy of the Possible. On the Modalities of Contemporary Humanistic Thinking)(in Russian). S.-Petersburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 1999 (contract signed).

3. Russian Philosophical and Humanistic Thought since 1950. Amherst: The University of Massachusetts Press (contract signed).

4. Postmodern v Rossii: literatura I teorii (The Postmodern in Russia: Literature and Theory). Moscow: LIA Elinina, 2000



4 .Postmodernism and Russia (trans. into Hungarian). Budapest: Europa Konyvkiado, 1999 (contract signed)

5. Fatherhood (#8, trans. into Serbo-Croatian by Draginia Ramadansky), Novi Sad: Matica sprska, 1998 or 1999 (contract signed)

6. New Sectarianism (#6, trans. into Serbo-Croatian by Draginia Ramadansky). Novi Sad: Matica sprska, 1999 (contract signed)

7. New Sectarianism (#6, trans. into English by Eve Adler), submitted for publication to Bedrock Books.




"Judaic Spiritual Traditions in the Poetry of Pasternak and Mandel'shtam," trans. from Russian by Ruth Rischin, Symposium. A Quartely Journal in Modern Literatures. Issue on Judaic Literature. Identity, Displacement, and Destruction. Vol. 52, No. 4, Winter 1999, pp. 205-231.

"Communism, Postmodernism, Sots-Art," an introduction to the collection Sots-art, Chicago: Nortwestern University Press, 1999 (40 pp.)

"On hyperauthorship: Hypotheses on Potential Identities of Araki Yasusada," Sycamore Review (Purdue University), Vol. 10, No. 1 Winter/Spring 1998, pp. 71-81.

"Daniil Andreev and the Mysticism of Femininity," The Occult in Russian and Soviet Culture, ed. by Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1997, 325-355.

"Fugitive Russian Sects: A Handbook for Beginners," transl. by Eve Adler, New

England Review (Middlebury Series, VT), vol.18, No.2, Spring 1997, 70-100.

"Symposion and Russian Filosofia," in Symposion. A Journal of Russian Thought, Los Angeles: Charles Schlacks, Jr., Publisher, University of Southern California, vol. 1, 1996, 3-7.

"The Phoenix of Philosophy: On the Meaning and Significance of Contemporary Russian Thought," ibid., 35-74.

"Hyper in 20th Century Culture: The Dialectics of Transition from Modernism to Postmodernism" (transl. from Russian by Slobodanka Vladiv-Glover, revised and extended by the author), Postmodern Culture. An Electronic Journal of Interdisciplinary Criticism. Published by North Carolina State University, Oxford University Press, and the University of Virginia's Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities. V.6 N.2. January 1996, 61 paragraphs. Reprinted in Left Curve (Oakland, CA), No.21, 1997, 5-16.

"Response: 'Post-' and Beyond," "Russian Critical Theory and Postmodernism: The Theoretical Writings of Mikhail Epstein" Forum, in Slavic and East European Journal, Fall 1995, Vol.39, No.3, 357-366.

"The Origins and Meaning of Russian Postmodernism", in Re-entering the Sign: Articulating New Russian Culture, ed. by Ellen Berry and Anesa Miller-Pogacar, University of Michigan Press, 1995, 25-47.

"A Catalog of the New Poetries," ibid., 208-211.

"Ivan Soloviev's Reflections on Eros," in Genders, 22, a special issue Postcommunism and the Body Politic, ed. by Ellen Berry, New York and London: New York University Press, 1995, 252-266.

The Vicissitudes of Soviet Marxism: 1950-1994 [book format] Washington, D.C. National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1994, 43 pp.

The Russian Philosophy of National Spirit: Conservatism and Traditionalism [book format] Washington, D.C.: National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1994, 25 pp.

The Significance of Russian Philosophy [book format], Washington, D.C.: National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1994, 13 pp.

The origins and the Meaning of Russian Postmodernism [book format], Washington, D.C.: National Council for Soviet and East European Research, 1993, 28 pp.

"Things and Words: Towards a Lyrical Museum, in Tekstura: Russian Essays on Visual Culture, ed. and transl. by Alla Efimova and Lev Manovich, with preface by Stephen Bann. Chicago and London:Chicago University Press, 1993, 152-172.

"After the Future: On the New Consciousness in Literature," in Late Soviet Culture: From Perestroika to Novostroika, ed. by Thomas Lahusen with Gene Kuperman (transl.). Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1993, 257-287; first published in The South Atlantic Quarterly, Duke UP, Spring 1991, Vol. 90, No. 2, 409-444.

"Good-bye to Objects, or, the Nabokovian in Nabokov," in A Small Alpine Form: Studies in Nabokov’s Short Fiction, ed. by Gene Barabtarlo and Charles Nicol, New York: Garland Publishers (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities, Vol. 1580), 1993, 217-224.

"Symposium on Russian Postmodernism" (with Jerome McGann, Marjorie Perloff et al.), Postmodern Culture, University of North Carolina, January 1993, Vol.3, No.2.

Afterword, in Third Wave: The New Russian Poetry, ed. by Kent Johnson and Stephen M. Ashby, transl. by Anesa Miller-Pogacar. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1992, 271-286.

"Labor of Lust," Common Knowledge, Oxford University Press, 1992, Vol. 1, No. 3, 91-107 (partly transl. by Andrew Wachtel).

"Tom Wolfe and Social(ist) Realism," Common Knowledge, 1992, Vol.1, No. 2, 1992, 147-160.


Commentary and Hypotheses, in Doubled Flowering: From the Notebooks of Araki Yasusada. Ed. and Trans. by Tosa Motokiyu, Oji Norinaga, and Okura Kyojin. New York: Roof Books, 1997, pp. 134-147.

"Letter to Tosa Motokiyu" [the problem of hyperauthorship], Denver Quartely, University of Denver, vol. 31, No. 4, Spring 1997, pp. 100-105.

"Some Speculations on the Mystery of Araki Yasusada," Witz (Studio City, California), Vol. 5, No. 2, Summer 1997, 4-13.

"Postmodernism and Communism" [parallel texts in Russian and English]. Slovo/Word, No. 19, New York, 1996, 32-63.

"After the Carnival" [on the writer Venedikt Erofeev, parallel texts in Russian and English], in The End of the 20th Century, a special issue of Slovo/Word, No. 16, New York, 1995, 50-81.

"Materialism, Sophiology, and the Soul of Russia: Daniel Andreev and Russian Feminine Mysticism." Urania (Moscow), No.4, 1993, pp. 19-22; No.5, 1994, 21-25.

"Kabakov," in Place Displacement Travel Exile, a special issue of Five Fingers Review, San-Francisco, No.12, 1993, 127-134.

"A Philosophical Renaissance in Contemporary Russia," The Eurasian Report. Washington: The Center for American-Eurasian Studies and Relations. 1992, Vol. 2, No. 2, 15-18.

"Apocalypse Now?" Frontier. Religion East & West (Keston Research), Oxford (UK) July-August 1991, 12-14.

"Avant-Garde Art and Religious Consciousness," in Vanishing Points: Spirituality and the Avant-Garde, a special issue of Five Fingers Review. San Francisco, 1991, No. 10, 165-180.

"'Like a Corpse I Lay In the Desert. . .'" (On New Moscow Poetry), Mapping Codes: A Collection of New Writing from Moscow to San Francisco, a special issue of Five Fingers Review, San Francisco, 1990, No. 8/9, 162-167.

"Bearers of Mass Consciousness," in Novostroika, London: The Institute of Contemporary Arts Documents, 8. 1989, 21-22.

"Exposing the Quagmire" (Conceptualism in Russian Poetry), Times Literary Supplement, London, 1989, April 7-13.


Ellen E.Berry, Kent Johnson, Anesa Miller-Pogacar, "Postcommunist Postmodernism --- An Interview with Mikhail Epstein," Common Knowledge, Oxford University Press, 1993, Vol. 2, No.3, 103-118.

Sally Laird, "Life after Utopia: New Poets in Moscow," an interview with M.Epstein, Index on Censorship, London, January 1988, 12-14.



"K filosofii vozmozhnogo. Vvedenie v postkriticheskuiu epokhu" (Toward the Philosophy of the Possible: An Introduction to the Post-Critical Epoch). Voprosy filosofii, 1999, No. 4 (25 pp.)

"'Pir' Platona i russkaia filosofiia" (Plato's "Banquet" and Russian Philosophy). Voprosy filosofii, 1998, No. 2, 178-180.

"Samoochishchenie. Gipoteza o proiskhozhdenii kul'tury" (Self-Cleaning. A Hypothesis on the Origins of Culture). Voprosy filosofii(Moscow), 1997, No. 5, 72-79.

"Ironiia stilia: Demonicheskoe v obraze Rossii u Gogolia" (Irony of Style: The Denic in Gogol's Image of Russia). Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (Moscow), No. 19 (1996), 129-147.

"Ot modernizma k postmodernizmu. Dialektika "giper" v kul'ture XX veka" (From Modernism to Postmodernism. The Dialectics of "Hyper" in 20th Century Culture), Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie (Moscow), No. 16 (1995), 32-46; revised and

"Ideologiia i iazyk: postroenie modeli i osmyslenie diskursa" (Ideology and Language: the Construction of a Model and the Interpretation of a Discourse), Voprosy iazykoznaniia (Moscow), 1991, No.6, 19-33.

"Staroobriadcheskii dnevnik" (Old-Believers' Journal), Simvol, No. 21. Paris, La Bibliotheque Slave de Paris, July 1989, 99-156.

"Zakony svobodnogo zhanra. Esseistika i esseizm v kul'ture Novogo vremeni" (The Laws of a Free Genre: Essays and Essayism in the Culture of Modernity), Voprosy literatury (Moscow), No. 7, 1987, 120-152.

"Teoriia iskusstva i iskusstvo teorii" (The Theory of Art and the Art of Theory), Voprosy literatury, l987, No. l2, l8-34.

"Pokolenie, nashedshee sebia. O novoi poezii vos'midesiatykh godov" (A Generation That Found Itself: The New Poetry of the l980s), Voprosy literatury, l986, No. 5, 40-72.

"Realogiia - nauka o veshchakh" (Realogy - a science of things). Dekorativnoe iskusstvo (Moscow), 1985, No.6, 21-22,44.

"O znachenii detali v strukture obraza. Perepischiki u Gogolia i Dostoevskogo" (On the Meaning of Detail in the Structure of Image: Scribes in Gogol and Dostoevsky), Voprosy literatury, 1984, No. 12, 134-145.

"Igra v zhizni i v iskusstve" (The Principle of Play in Life and Art), Sovremennaia dramaturgiia, Moscow, 1982, No. 2, 244-254.

"Poetika zimy" (The Poetics of Winter), Voprosy literatury, 1979, No. 11, 171-204 (with Helen Iukina-Epstein).

O stilevykh nachalakh realizma. Poetika Stendalia i Bal'zaka (On the Stylistic Principles of Realism. The Poetics of Balzac and Stendhal). Voprosy literatury, 1977, No.8, 106-134.

"V poiskakh estestvennogo cheloveka" (In Search of a Natural Human Being), Voprosy literatury, 1976, No. 8, 111-145.

"Kritika v konflikte s tvorchestvom" (Criticism in Conflict with Creativity), Voprosy literatury, l975, No. 2, l3l-l68 (transl. into German, Kunst und Literatur, Berlin, 1975, No. 10).

"Mezhdu simvolom i real’nost’iu" ("Between the Symbol and Reality," review), Voprosy Literatury, 1973, No. 6, 243-253.


"Giper" v kul'ture 20-go veka: dialektika perexoda ot modernizma k postmodernizmu, in Modernizm i postmodernizm v russkoj literature i kul'ture. Slavica Helsingiensia 16. Studia Russica Helsingiensia et Tartuensia V. Helsinki: Helsinki University Press, 1996, s. 27-47

"Uchenie Iakova Abramova v izlozhenii ego uchenikov" (The Teachings of Yakov Abramov in the Interpretation of His Disciples), in LOGOS. Leningradskie mezhdunarodnye chteniia po filosofii kul’tury (Leningrad International Readings on Philosophy of Culture), Leningrad University Press, 1991, 211-254.

"Chto takoe metabola? O tret'em trope" (What is Metabole? On the Third Trope), in Stilistika i poetika: Tezisy vsesoiuznoi nauchnoi konferentsii (Stylistics and Poetics), vypusk 2. Moscow: Institut russkogo iazyka AN SSSR, 1989, 75-80.

"Sposoby vozdeistviia ideologicheskogo vyskazyvaniia" (The Modes of Effectivity of Ideological Discourse), in Obraz cheloveka dvadtsatogo veka. Moscow: Akademiia nauk SSSR, Institut nauchnoi informatsii po obshchestvennym naukam, l988, l67-2l6.

"Operativnost’ pechati - sredstvo intensifikatsii i integratsii nauchnogo myshleniia" ("The Mobility of Press as a Way to Intensification and Integration of Scientific Thinking"). Uskorenie i perestroika v sisteme nauchno-tekhnicheskoi informatsii SSSR. Moscow: Nauka, 1988, 52-58.

"Faust na beregu moria. Tipologicheskii analiz parallel'nykh motivov u Gete i Pushkina" (Faust at the Seashore: A Typological Analysis of Parallel Motives in Goethe and Pushkin), in Getevskie chteniia (Goethean Proceedings), 1984, Moscow: Nauka, 1986, 184-202; also in Voprosy Literatury, 1981, No. 6, 89-110

(transl. into German, Kunst und Literatur, Berlin, 1982, No. 2).

"Mir zhivotnykh i samosoznanie cheloveka: obrazy russkoi poezii XIX-XX vekov" (The World of Animals and Human Self-Consciousness: Images in Russian Poetry of the 19th and 20th Centuries), in Tvorcheskii protsess v iskusstve. Voprosy kompleksnogo izucheniia. Chelovek - priroda - iskusstvo. Leningrad: Nauka, 1986, 126-145.

"Tema i variatsiia. K probleme poeticheskoi traditsii: Pushkin i Mandel'shtam" (A Theme and a Variation. On the Problem of Poetic Tradition: Pushkin and Mandel'shtam), in Tselostnoct' literaturnogo proizvedeniia kak problema istoricheskoi poetiki. Sbornik nauchnykh trudov. Kemerovskii gosudartstvennyi universitet, 1986, 8-22.

"Literaturnoe proizvedenie i ego kriticheskoe istolkovanie" (A Literary Work and Its Critical Interpretation), in Aktual'nye problemy metodologii literaturnoi kritiki. Printsipy i kriterii. Moscow: Nauka, l980, 302-320.

"Analitizm i polifonizm vo frantsuzskoi proze. Stili Stendalia i Bal'zaka" (Analytic and Polyphonic Principles in French Prose: The Styles of Stendhal and Balzac), in Teoriia literaturnykh stilei. Tipologiia stilevogo razvitiia XIX veka (The Theory of Literary Styles. The Typology of Stylistic Development of the 19th Century), Moscow: Nauka, 1977, 230-277 (transl. into German, Kunst und Literatur, Berlin, 1978, No. 7).

"Dialektika znaka i obraza v poeticheskikh proizvedeniiakh Aleksandra Bloka" (The Dialectics of Sign and Image in Alexander Blok's Poetic Works), in Semiotika i iskusstvo (Semiotics and Art), Moscow: Nauka, l977, 338-357.



Russkaia kul'tura na rasput'ie. Sekuliarizatsiia i perekhod ot dvoichnoi modeli k troichnoi (Russian Culture on a Crossroads: Secularization and the Transition from Dualism to the Triadic Model). Zvezda (S.-Petersburg), 1999, #1 and #2 (60 pp.)

Ivan Solovyov. Messianskie rechi (Messianic Discourses). Publication and preface by Mikhail Epstein. Oktiabr (Moscow), 1998, No.7, 148-167.

"Iz totalitarnoi epokhi - v virtual'nuiu. K otkrytiiu Knigi knig" (From Totalitarianism to Virtuality. Toward the Opening of the Book of Books) Pushkin (Moscow),#2(8), May 15 1998 ("Net culture" section), 4-5.

"Internet kak slovesnost'" (Internet as Verbal Art). Pushkin (Moscow),#1 (6-7), May 1, 1998, 44-46.

"Sinyavsky kak Myslitel'" (Sinyavsky as a Thinker). Zvezda (S.-Petersburg), 1998, No. 2, 151-171.

" " Nabroski k ekologii teksta (" " Toward the ecology of text). Kommentarii. Moscow-St.-Peterburg, No. 13, 1997, 3-41.

"Post-ateizm, ili Bednaia religiia" (Post-atheism, or Minimal Religion). Oktiabr (Moscow), 1996, No.9, 158-165.

"Istoki i smysl russkogo postmodernizma" (The genesis and significance of Russian postmodernism). Zvezda (S.-Petersburg), 1996, No.8,166-188.

"Poeziia kak sostoianie. Iz stikhov i zametok Ivana Solovyova. Publikatsiia i predislovie Mixaila Epshteina" (Poetry as a State-of being. From the poems and notes of Ivan Solovyov. Publication and preface by Mikhail Epstein). Novyi mir, No. 8, 1996, 230-240.

"Mednyi vsadnik i zolotaia rybka. Poema-skazka Pushkina" (The Bronze Horseman and the Golden Fish. The Epic Poem--the Fairy Tale by Pushkin). Znamia, No. 6, 1996, 204-215.

"Proto-, ili Konets postmodernizma" (Proto-, or The End of Postmodernism) Znamia, No. 3, 1996, 196-209.

"Posle karnavala, ili Vechnyi Venichka" (After the Carnival, or Eternal Venedikt Erofeev), Introduction to the book: Venedikt Erofeev. Ostav'te moiu dushu v pokoe: Pochti vsyo. M., Izd-vo AO "X.G.S.", 1995, 3-30.

Vozmozhnye miry Epshteina (The Possible Worlds of Epstein). Interview (by Ira Vrubel'-Golubkina, Aleksandr Gol'dshtein, Mikhail Grobman, recorded by A.Gol'dshtein). Zerkalo, No. 129, Tel Aviv, October 1995, 18-24.

"Poety - rifmy. Lermontov i Pasternak: mudrost' leta. Gel'derlin i Batiushkov: svet bezumiia" (Poets-rhymes. Lermontov and Pasternak: The Wisdom of Summer. Holderlin and Batiushkov: The Light of Madness). Slovo/Word (New York), No. 15, 1994, 93-97; Strelets (Paris-Moscow-New-York). 2 (74), 1994, 198-207.

"Esse ob esse" (An Essay on Essay), Opyty. Zhurnal Esseistiki, Publikatsii, Retsenzii, Khroniki. No. 1. St.-Petersburg-Paris, 1994, 23-26.

"Roza Mira i Tsarstvo Antikhrista: o paradoksakh russkoi eskhatologii" (The Rose of the World and the Kingdom of the Antichrist: On the Paradoxes of Russian Eschatology), Kontinent (Moscow-Paris), No.79, 1994 (1), 283-332.

"Pustota kak priem. Slovo i izobrazhenie u Ilyi Kabakova" (Emptiness as a Device: Verbal and Visual Representations in Ilya Kabakov), Oktiabr' (Moscow), 1993, No.10, 177-192.

"Narod i nenarod. O natsional'nom i sotsial'nom v sovremennoj Rossii" (The People and Non-People. On the National and the Social in Contemporary Russia), Zvezda (S.-Petersburg), 1993 (1), 183-193.

"Tsadik i talmudist. Sravnitel'nyi opyt o Pasternake i Mandel'shtame" (A Tzaddik and a Talmudist: A Comparative Essay on Pasternak and Mandelshtam), 22, Jerusalem (Israel), June-July 1991, 186-209.

"Razmyshleniia Ivana Solovyova ob Erose" (Ivan Solovyov’s Reflections on Eros), Chelovek (Moscow), 1991, No.1,195-212.

"Iskusstvo avangarda i religioznoe soznanie" (Art of Avant-Garde and Religious Consciousness), Novyi Mir (Moscow), l989, No. l2, 222-235 (transl. into Serbian: "Tvo Ruske Avangarde," Knjizevna Kritika, 1990, No.1, 85-96).

Oblomov i Korchagin, Vremia i my (New York), No. 109, 1990, 141-160.

"Kontsepty. . . Metaboly. . . O novykh techeniiakh v poezii" (Concepts. . . Metaboles. . . On New Currents in Poetry), Oktiabr' (Moscow), l988, No. 4, pp. l94-203; also in collection Vzgliad: kritika, polemika, publikatsii, Moscow, 1988, 171-196.

"Mif i chelovek. O khudozhestvennykh vozmozhnostiakh sovremennoi prozy" (Myth and Man: On the Artistic Possibilities of Contemporary Prose) (co-authored with H.Iukina-Epstein), Novyi Mir, l98l, No. 4, 236-248 (trans. into German, Kunst und Literatur, Berlin, 1982, No. 5).

"Obrazy detstva" (Images of Childhood) (co-authored with H. Iukina-Epstein), Novyi Mir, l979, No. l2, 242-257 (trans. into German, Kunst und Literatur, Berlin,1980, No. 6).

"Ot slova k zhizni. O literaturno-teoreticheskikh sbornikakh 'Kontekst'" (From Word to Life: on the literary-theoretical books of the series "Context"), Novyi mir, 1977, No. 6, 272-278 (trans. into German, Kunst und Literatur, Berlin, 1978, No. 1).

"Vsechelovechnost’ russkoi klassiki" (The All-Encompassing Humanism of the Russian Classics), Novyi mir, 1976, No. 4, 265-270.


"Aforistika" (Aphoristic Literature), Kratkaia literaturnaia entsiklopediia v 9 tt. [KLE]. (Concise Literary Encyclopedia, in 9 volumes), Moscow: Sovetskaia entsiklopediia, 1962-1978, Vol. 9, 1978, 82-85.

"Analiz literaturnogo proizvedeniia" (Analysis of a Literary Work), KLE, Vol.9, 54-56.

"Angazhirovannaia literatura" (Literature of Engagement), KLE, Vol.9, 58-59.

"Fabula" (Plot), KLE, Vol.7, 1972, 873-874.

"Khronika" (Chronicle), KLE, Vol. 8, 1975, 333-334.

"Konflikt khudozhestvennyi"(The Conflict in Art), Bol'shaia Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia v 30 tt. [BSE] (Great Soviet Encyclopedia), 3rd ed., Vol.13, 1973, 238-240.

"Interpretatsiia literaturnogo proizvedeniia" (Interpretation of a Literary Work), KLE, Vol.9, 330-332.

"Mifologizm v literature 20 veka" (Mythological Trends in the Literature of the 20th Century), Literaturnyi Entsiklopedicheskii Slovar' [LES] (Literary Encyclopedic Dictionary). Moscow: Sovetskaia Entsiklopediia, 1987, 224-225.

"Novella" (Short Story), BSE, Vol.18, 1974, 174-175.

"Obraz khudozhestvennyi" (The Image in Art), LES, 252-257.

"Psikhoanaliz v literaturovedenii" (Psychoanalysis in Literary Scholarship), BSE, Vol. 21, 1975, 552-3; reprinted in KLE, Vol.9, 650-651; LES, 311-312.



"Rußlands Trübsinn/ Über das Reisen," Ästhetik & Kommunication (Berlin), trans. Sabine Schweinitz. Heft 83. Jahrgang 22. September 1993, 51-56.

Eine neue Sentimentalität, in Lettre International. Paris-Rom-Madrid-Prag-Belgrad-Berlin. Heft 23. Winter 1993 (No.4), 94.

"Ein Katalog neuer Lyriken" (A Catalogue of New Poetries), Afterword (in Russian and German), in Moderne russische Poesie seit 1966, Eine Anthologie, Herausgegeben von Walter Thümler, Berlin: Oberbaum Verlag, 1990, 359-369.

"Mythen des alten Tages," in Kopfbahnhof. Almanach, No. 2. Das folsche Dasein. Sowjetische Kultur im Umbruch, trans. Hannelore Umbreit. Leipzig: Reclam-Verlag, 1990, 16-34.


La Russie est un rêve, trans. Christine Zeytounian-Beloüs, Lettres Russes (Paris), No.14, 1994, 43-45.


La pratica dell'epitaffio, Il nuovo Giornale dei poeti (Rome), Anno XI - Numero 12, Dicembre 1995, 5-7.

Sull' "Iper-paternita letteraria", ovvero sull' intrigo poetico mondiale e le sue implicazioni russe. Giornale dei poeti. (Roma). Anno XIY-Numero 3. Marzo 1998, 3-4


"Komediia idei" (The Comedy of Ideas), transl. Radmila Mechanin. ITAKA, Beograd, 1997, pp. 1-13.

"Spasavanje kulture" (The Salvation of Culture, a talk with Z. Paunkovich), Postmoderna Aura, a special issue of Delo, Belgrade, Maj-Jul 1990, 4-25.


Postmodernism and Communism, transl. into Japanese by Takeshi Saito, in Mitsuyoshi Numano, Letter to Utopia: 20 Voices from World Literature. Tokyo. Kawade Shobo Shinsha Publishers, 1997, pp. 214-223.

Some other articles have been translated and published in German, French, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Swedish, Finnish, Serbian, Hungarian, and Ukrainian.

Full list of publications includes 315 items.


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